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Provincial Council Meeting - June 2020

Wednesday the 17th of June

logoOn Saturday 13 June the Provincial Council held their latest meeting. The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily put on hold our efforts to move meetings around the Province so this meeting was held remotely, from our homes, via video conferencing. 

Jessica (Provincial Co-ordinator) welcomed everyone to the meeting and led a reflection on Article 41 of the PAL (Project of Apostolic Life). In her report Jessica spoke positively about her participation in a Salesian Youth Ministry online Symposium at which she led a workshop on the vocation of the Salesian Co-operator which was well attended. 

The main business of the meeting concerned the relaunch of the new website which was gaining speed and the launch due in the next few weeks. Much of the design work had already been done and the task now was to populate it with content. [If you are reading this then the launch happened successfully!]. 

The next meeting of the Provincial Council is scheduled for Saturday 14 November 2020. We are not sure where this meeting will be but hopefully we will be allowed to meet face-to-face and include a visit to one of the local centres around our province.