Our Vocation
Way of Life
Formation - Salesian Cooperators


There are two types of formation, initial and ongoing.

Initial Formation

When you are considering becoming a Salesian Cooperator there is a period of initial formation during which you are supported and accompanied in discerning God's call to become a member. There are two ways that this formation takes place:

If you are attached to a local centre then the initial formation will take place within that group during and alongside the regular meetings. 

If you are not attached to a local centre then your initial fomation is supported by members of the Provincial Council. We will usually link you with another Salesian Cooperator who will meet with you regularly to support your discernment. 

Towards the end of the period of initial formation, having discerned a vocation, you make your application for enrollment to the Provincial Council. Your application will be supported by a recommendation from the local centre or the Cooperator who has been supporting your formation. Once the application is accepted you will be invited to make your Promise and become a Salesian Cooperator.

Ongoing Formation

Salesian Cooperators are committed to their own human, Christian, and Salesian formation. To support and encourage this, regular opportunities for ongoing formation are arranged by local centres and the Provincial Council. Alongside these, Salesian Cooperators are encouraged to take a full part in the opportunities for formative experience provided by the wider Salesian Family through study days, retreats, and other initiatives.